Thursday, 30 June 2016 10:21

Underground Newspaper: Episode 5 - Your Ancestry / Freedom Without Truth

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The Smoking Gun: Your Ancestry

- US Industrial Production Lower Than 2007

- Facebook App Listening To Your Conversations

Food For Thought: Freedom!


DNA Hoax (warning, this is posted for the 60min footage at the beginning, not the other content)

How Industrial Production Exposes the Manipulation and Misrepresentation In Other Government Data

Facebook is using smartphones to listen to what people say, professor suggests

Essential Reading

How Wall Street Is Strangling The Economy

How fictionalization has turned a productive economy into a cancerous one.

The Lingering Danger of Google & Facebook

How two tech-giants helped provoke the Arab Spring, and how they are far from finished.

Read 3148 times Last modified on Thursday, 30 June 2016 10:59
Chief Conductor

Dedicated to Skepticism, Inspired by Curiosity


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